But what a treasure, this pocket of woods! The varieties of flowers...stuff I haven't seen for years, and some things I've never seen...it almost leaves one speechless.
Here are a few of the highlights:

Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense) - is this a great-looking flower or what?!? I don't know if ginger is considered a primative plant, but the flower sure strikes me as primative. It reminds me of that enormous tropical flower (as in 2+ feet across) that attracts pollinators with a stench of rotting meat. Wild ginger, however, is a small flower, and while I didn't get my nose right down to it, I did not catch any whiffs of decaying flesh. Now, this is not the ginger whose root you find in the grocery stores, but it certainly was used as much by the native peoples. My ethnobotany book has a whole page of medicinal uses and half a page of food uses for it. For me, I think I will just admire the flower: one-of-a-kind.

Large-flowered Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) - here in Newcomb we get red/purple trillium and painted trillium, but not this lovely white one. According to the literature, this flower starts off white and slowly turns pink as it ages. These were blooming in gentle profusion around the woodland floor. A nice treat!
Early Meadow Rue (Thalictrum dioicum) - rues have such lovely scalloped/lobed leaves that are easily identified, but check out these splendid flowers! Each of those dangly bits are the stamens, the anther being the fat bit at the end. The stamens dangle like so much fringe, reminding me strongly of a belt my mom had in the '70s.

I'll post some more photos from this trip another day - don't want to use up all my good stuff at once!
Great photography! Great blog!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun it was to tromp about with you! No better company than a fellow nature fanatic. Love that photo of Early Meadow Rue. I've never taken a clear shot of it. Those stamen just shimmy with the slightest breeze and won't sit still for the picture-taking. Thanks for the Ginger picture, too. Most folks will never see these, tucked away underneath as they are. And ooh! look at that cute baby bug!